CodeLeap Docs


WebP Convertor


Script to convert images to webp, compress and resize to reduce their size and improve loading speed in browsers. Everything completely configurable through a JSON file.


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How to use

First you need to have a JSON file in the project root with the following name: codeleapcli.config.json.

JSON Example

"convertor-webp": {
"input": "./src/app/assets/images",
"output": "./src/app/assets/images_webp",
"convertor": {
"compressionQuality": 50,
"resizeWidth": 1000,
"processColorChannels": true,
"inputFormats": ["png", "jpeg"],
"ignoreFiles": ["home"]
"mode": "multi"


  • input: Path to the directory where the images that will be used for conversion are located.
  • output: Directory path where the converted images will be placed.
  • compressionQuality: Compression quality, 100 is the highest, original quality of the image, and lower values reduce the quality along with the file size, ideally values between 90 and 70.
  • resizeWidth: Very large images are extremely problematic for browsers to load, and this configuration deals with that. Values that are greater than resizeWidth will be resized to the configured value, without losing the aspect ratio, and smaller values will not undergo resizing.
  • processColorChannels: The library we use for conversion has the option to process the alpha channels of the image, and this also helps to reduce the final size of the image.
  • inputFormats: The input file formats that must be accepted.
  • ignoreFiles: The names of the files that should be ignored during conversion.
  • mode: Conversion mode
    • multi: The converter will take all images from the input directory and apply processing to them all following the configuration of the JSON file.
    • single: The converter will just take an image and apply the treatment, the terminal will ask what its filename is and will look for it in the input directory.

Run command

Open the terminal and type:

yarn codeleap convertor-webp

The conversion process will happen automatically, and any configuration errors will be shown in the terminal.

Table of contents

How to use
JSON Example