What is it
Frequently, we need to provide some feedback to the user or simply ask a quick question. For these cases, we use an alert on web platforms or a Alert on React Native, the problem is that the usage of alerts on the web is highly variable among different browsers, besides not offering a visually pleasant experience. On mobile, the variability exists between platforms as well.
For these reasons, the OSAlert was created—a way to open custom and stylized dialogs that harmonize with the rest of the application, sharing common code for both web and mobile.
How to use
This code can be used for mobile and web.
It is important to check if your application's Alert component is up to date, to check this you can consult any template.
import { OSAlertStore } from '@codeleap/common'export function GlobalAlertComponent() {const { toggle, visible, props } = OSAlertStore(store => store)const { title, body, onDismiss, onAction, options, type: customType, ...alertProps } = (props ?? {})const typeCast: Record<Exclude<GlobalAlertType, 'custom'>, AlertType> = {ask: 'destructive',info: 'info',warn: 'warn',error: 'error',}const type = typeCast[props.type]const alertOptions = options?.map(o => ({ debugName: o?.text, ...o }))return <AlertdebugName='Global alert'title={title}toggle={toggle}visible={visible}body={body}onAction={onAction}onDismiss={onDismiss}options={alertOptions as any}optionsOnly={!onAction && !onDismiss && !!options?.length}type={type || customType}{...alertProps}/>}export const GlobalAlert = React.memo(GlobalAlertComponent, () => true)
This GlobalAlert component needs to be inserted somewhere so that it can be accessed from any screen.
import { CreateOSALert } from '@codeleap/common'export const OSAlert = CreateOSALert()
Example of use
function triggerOSAlert() {OSAlert.ask({title: 'Alert',body: 'Example',options: [{ text: 'Dismiss' },{ text: 'Remove', onPress: () => null, style: 'destructive' }]})}
OSAlert returns some methods that you can use, they are as follows:
OSAlert.ask({title: 'Alert',body: 'ask',options: [{ text: 'Dismiss' },{ text: 'Remove', onPress: () => null, style: 'destructive' }]})OSAlert.error({title: 'Alert',body: 'Something went wrong',onDismiss: () => null,})OSAlert.warn({title: 'Alert',body: 'Are you sure?',onAccept: () => null,onReject: () => null,})OSAlert.info({title: 'Alert',body: 'Info',onDismiss: () => null,})OSAlert.custom({title: 'Alert',body: 'Custom',type: 'destructive'})
type Option = {text: stringonPress?: AnyFunctionvariants?: string[] // You can pass any variant of the Button component to an optionstyle?: 'destructive' | 'outline' | 'cancel' | 'default' | 'minimal' // You can choose a button variant}