CodeLeap Docs


Our current solution

Breaking down the problem

So, we have a few necessities:

  • A centralized, global, and customizable way to request and check the permissions required by the application
  • A way to configure the display for the screens preceding a permission request
  • A display manager capable of controlling the visibility of the aformentioned screens depending on permission states
  • An abstracted, simple way to request one or more permissions if they are not already granted, and trigger actions depending on the request's result.
  • 1. PermissionManager

    Since the only required actions for dealing with permissions at a low level are requesting and checking it, and both return the new status of the permission, we only really need to worry about tracking the permission states in a globally accessible way. The PermissionManager class does exactly that. It's in the common package simply because it's functionality is general enough to be reutilized in a non React Native environment such as the browser should the need arise.

    import { PermissionManager } from '@codeleap/common'
    import RNPermissions from 'react-native-permissions'
    import { Platform } from 'react-native'
    const platform = Platform.OS
    export const AppPermissions = new PermissionManager({
    camera: {
    onAsk: async () => { // Called when we actually want the OS to ask the permission with the dialog
    const status = await RNPermissions.request(RNPermissions.PERMISSIONS[platform.toUpperCase()].CAMERA)
    return status // This is a string which can be one of many statuses, check the react-native-permissions docs for more info on it
    onCheck: async () => { // Called when we just need to get the latest state
    const status = await RNPermissions.check(RNPermissions.PERMISSIONS[platform.toUpperCase()].CAMERA)
    return status
    notifications: {
    onAsk: async () => {
    const { status } = await RNPermissions.requestNotifications(['alert', 'badge', 'sound'])
    return status
    onCheck: async () => {
    return (await RNPermissions.checkNotifications()).status

    Most useful methods are:

    AppPermissions.get('camera', {
    ask: true // If you just want to get the latest state, set it to false
    }) => {
    // do something
    AppPermissions.values // Gets the current state, includes all permissions
    AppPermissions.update() // Check every permission to update it's state
    // The callback will fire whenever the state for any permission changes
    const unsubscribe = AppPermissions.onChange((name, newState) => {
    console.log(name, newState.status) // 'camera granted' if the camera permission was granted
    unsubscribe() // Removes the listener for onChange

    2. Configuring the display

    This is just a matter of explicitly setting the data show on the screen when requesting permissions, and some of the behavior it should have when pressing buttons.

    import { PermissionManager } from '@codeleap/common'
    import RNPermissions from 'react-native-permissions'
    import { Platform } from 'react-native'
    import { Permissions } from '@codeleap/mobile'
    const platform = Platform.OS
    export const AppPermissions = new PermissionManager({
    // ...
    export type PermissionNames = keyof typeof AppPermissions.values
    export const permissionNames = Object.keys(AppPermissions.values) as PermissionNames[]
    const modalConfig:Permissions.PermissionModalsConfig<keyof typeof AppPermissions.values> = {
    camera: { // Properties at the highest level are treated as default, but can be overriden per permission status
    onAllow: 'ask', // Will call AppPermissions.get('camera', { ask: true })
    title: 'Camera',
    icon: 'image',
    description: [
    `${AppName} needs access to your camera to capture and share photos.`,
    blocked: {
    description: [
    `${AppName} needs access to your camera to capture and share photos.`,
    'Please open settings and allow access to "Camera"',
    onAllow: 'openSettings', // Will navigate to de device settings
    notifications: {
    icon: 'notifications',
    description: [
    `Notifications may include alerts, sounds, and icon badges.`,
    `These can be configured later in the Settings app.`,
    title: `${AppName} would like to send you notifications`,
    onAllow: 'ask',
    blocked: {
    onAllow: 'openSettings',

    3. Connecting to the app

    The @codeleap/mobile package includes a Permissions module, which can be used to wrap your app with a <Permissions.Provider/>, exposing data and two utilities for easier permission management. Do keep in mind that it depends on the ModalManager module, and as such, needs to be rendered inside <ModalManager.Provider />.

    // services/permissions.tsx
    import { PermissionManager } from '@codeleap/common'
    import RNPermissions from 'react-native-permissions'
    import { Platform } from 'react-native'
    import { Permissions } from '@codeleap/mobile'
    const platform = Platform.OS
    export const AppPermissions = new PermissionManager({
    // ...
    export type PermissionNames = keyof typeof AppPermissions.values
    export const permissionNames = Object.keys(AppPermissions.values) as PermissionNames[]
    const modalConfig:Permissions.PermissionModalsConfig<keyof typeof AppPermissions.values> = {
    // ...
    export const {
    // We'll hook this up to the modal later
    // This exposes handlers for requesting permissions and accessing their state
    } = Permissions.createTypedPermissionHooks({
    permissionsManager: AppPermissions,
    const Provider = ({ children }) => <Permissions.Provider AppPermissions={AppPermissions} modalConfig={modalConfig}>{children}</Permissions.Provider>
    export {
    Provider as PermissionsProvider,

    Wrap your app with <PermissionsProvider />.

    4. Modal and requesting permissions

    import {
    } from '@/services/permissions'
    export function PermissionModal(props: PermissionModalProps) {
    const { permissionName } = props
    const {
    } = usePermissionModal(permissionName)
    return <ModalManager.Modal
    debugName={`Permission ${permissionName} modal`}
    { /* View for your modal goes here */ }
    export function AllPermissionModals() { // This should be rendered somewhere in the app
    return <>
    { => <PermissionModal key={permissionName} permissionName={permissionName}/>)}

    To request permissions when pressing a button

    import {
    } from '@/services/permissions'
    function Component(){
    const permissions = usePermissions()
    return <Button onPress={() => {
    permissions.askPermission('camera' , (status) => {
    if(status === 'granted'){
    // handle opening camera
    permissions.askMany(['camera','library'], (result) => {
    if(result.overall === 'granted'){
    // handle success for both permissions granted
    }} />

    Table of contents

    Breaking down the problem