CodeLeap Docs


Getting Started

With Codeleap CLI

This section requires the Codeleap CLI. See the installation guide here

Run the following in your projects folder.

codeleap create app-name

When prompted for the type of app to create, select Mobile

The CLI will perform the following actions

  • Clone the mobile template repository into a folder named x-app-name in the current directory.
  • Create a Github repository in the codeleap organization for the new project

At some point, the CLI will ask you to setup the Firebase project and drop the admin credentials file in it's folder.

To do so follow the steps below

  • Go to the Firebase console and log in with your codeleap google account.
  • Click on "Add project"
  • For the name of the app, use x-app-name. Read about our naming conventions for management here Create project

    Create project

  • When prompted to enable analytics for your project, only do so if you know it's going to be necessary
  • After the project has been created, go to the settings by pressing "Project Settings" Go to project settings

    Go to project settings

  • In the Project Settings page, click "Generate new private key" under the "Service accounts" tab Get private key

    Get private key

  • Download the JSON file when prompted, and store it in 1password with the app-name firebase private key
  • Inside the folder created by the CLI earlier, replace the contents of "firebase_admin.json" with those of the file downloaded from firebase.
  • Go back to your terminal, and press "Enter" to continue the process.
  • From this point on, the CLI should:

    • Rename the contents of android and ios folders to reflect the new project's name
    • Create an Android app for the new project with the correct keystores for release and debug
    • Create an IOS app for the new project
    • Commit changes to repository

    The steps above define all that's needed to have a basic working application, but some features such as Push Notifications for IOS and reporting with sentry require a bit more setup. You can find guides for such things here

    Table of contents

    With Codeleap CLI