CodeLeap Docs



Integration with React Native 0.73

Template Mobile

Some quick updates:

  • Added email verification.
  • Added Tag component.
  • Added ProgressBar and ProgressCircle components.
  • Added PhoneInput.
  • Fixed NotificationsEvents.

But the most important: the template upgrades from React Native version 0.70.6 to the latest version: 0.73.1! Check out some important updates:

Node Version

The minimum Node version to run the mobile template is now 18.

Java Version

Now, it is necessary to have Java 17 to build Android.

You can download the version directly by clicking here! After installing, it's necessary to change the JAVA_HOME variable to the path of the new version, for example:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home

This will affect other apps with a React Native version lower than 0.73; they will still need JAVA 11. If the variable points to version 17, the following error will occur: "Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 17"

Gap component is discontinued

From now on, the Gap component is deprecated! The gap property has been added to React Native, functioning in the same way as on the web.

Additionally, there have been other interesting changes to styles. I recommend quickly reading the official documentation for more details. clicking here.

Other interesting updates

  • The build time for Android has been significantly affected; however, using cache can reduce the installation time to just 25 seconds.
  • Kotlin replaces Java and becomes the recommended language for React Native.
  • Addition of React Native's own debugger in an experimental phase, with the aim of replacing Flipper in the future.
  • The minimum iOS version is now 13.4.

Changes to Monorepo node_modules folders

The way node_modules are installed has been changed, and you may encounter issues. Therefore, before doing anything in this new version, execute the following commands:

  • yarn cleanNodeModules
  • yarn
  • yarn build
  • Turbo command

    If you do not have turbo installed, this can be observed if a command not found error appears when running yarn build, you will need to install it globally with the following command:

    yarn global add turbo

    Table of contents

    Template Mobile