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Is a button that can be used in a React application. It displays text, icons, and provides various interactive features like debouncing and loading indicators. Users can interact with the button by clicking on it.


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  • debounce (optional): The time in milliseconds to debounce the click event. By setting a debounce value, the button will wait for the specified time before triggering the onPress event. (Type: number)

  • debugName: A string to help identify the button during debugging or development. (Type: string)

  • icon (optional): An IconPlaceholder component to be displayed as the left icon of the button. (Type: IconPlaceholder)

  • loading (optional): Indicates whether the button is in a loading state. (Type: boolean)

  • onPress (optional): A function that will be called when the button is pressed. (Type: AnyFunction)

  • rightIcon (optional): An IconPlaceholder component to be displayed as the right icon of the button. (Type: IconPlaceholder)

  • selected (optional): Indicates whether the button is selected. (Type: boolean)

  • text (optional): The text to be displayed on the button. (Type: string)

Example Usage

import * as React from 'react';
import { Button } from '@codeleap/web';
const MyComponent = () => {
const handleButtonPress = () => {
console.log('Button pressed!');
return (
text="Click me"
export default MyComponent;

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